Innovative Spaces for Promoting Freedom of Expression and Information Rights - I

3 November 2023   |    SDJF_Admin

From November 3rd to 5th, 2023, The Swiss Residence in Kandy became a hub of empowerment and knowledge exchange as the Sri Lanka Development Journalist Forum successfully organized a transformative Capacity Building Workshop. This initiative, aptly named "Innovative Spaces for Promoting Freedom of Expression and Information Rights," was made possible through the generous support of the Commonwealth Foundation.

Fueled by the spirit of progress, participants delved into the dynamic realms of Digital Storytelling, emerging equipped with powerful tools to champion the causes of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Sri Lanka. The workshop served as a catalyst for a surge in both knowledge and skills, guiding participants through the intricacies of Freedom of Expression, Right to Information, international complaint mechanisms, and the art of digital activism.

As the echoes of shared insights and newfound capabilities reverberate, the ultimate aspiration is for Sri Lanka to evolve into a society where Freedom of Expression and Information rights are not merely acknowledged but wholeheartedly embraced and enjoyed by all. This impactful event symbolizes a step forward in the journey towards a more informed, empowered, and liberated nation.